Friday, January 25, 2013

Campaign Classics - Fort Sentinal - part 1

I came across my notes folder from a campaign I ran for my brother and a friend back in 2004.  It was one of our D&D 3.5 games.  From what I can tell it started in the middle of the action.

Adventuring Party
McTavish                                       Human, Male     Warmain (Arcana Unearthed class) 
Melianthe                                      Human, Female  Cleric of Pelor
Pomerol Petan                              Gnome, Male    Wizard
Sinjin Grinigog                               Half-Elf, Male     Rogue
Onufrio (Ono) the Fascinating    Human, Male     Bard/Sorceror

(Still looking for my detailed notes file for this, so rather than typing it, the gist is that the party is hired to locate and stop a bunch of bandits who have been waylaying caravans on the road through the Sovereign Woods that connects their home base of Fort Sentinal with the city of Abergrundel to the south.)

Play Notes

There was a minotaur attack!  Gnome changed to look like Dargar (DM note - a dead goblin bandit with a scar over his left eye) .  He was almost run down by a deer.  Sinjin shot from under the cart.  The cleric detected evil.  The minotaur (?) almost killed the warrior, Lactose.  The minotaur sneaks in and charges the gnome.  The gnome tries two Rays of Enfeeblement and the second one hit.  While this was going on Ono was playing his Song of Courage.  Sinjin critically hits the minotaur with his rapier and Ono disarms its great axe with his whip!  After the fight, they heal up Lactose.  The party leaves a note in the minotaur.  (DM note – classy).
The party continues on down the road acting like they aren’t even aware.  Pomerol goes and talks to a bunny.  The party then sets up an ambush along the roadside.  Lactose hid in the cart.  Ono disguised himself as an old woman talking to Melianthe.  Others hid nearby in the bushes.
Then there was the ambush at the cart.  The rogue performed a sneak attack.  Ghost sound was used to scare the hobgoblins.  Ono hid under the cart.  When the hobgoblin jumped off the cart, he was whipped, tripped and then spiked.  The rogue went invisible to find them.  He critically hid behind a log.  The bard disguised himself as Dargar to confuse the enemy.  One of the bandits in the road runs but is chased down by the Warmain on his horse and lanced.
After the fight, the party manacles the surviving goblin Puggy to question him.  They find out that the bandit gang is being led by the “Dark Lady”.  The gnome puts a squirrel on the trail for the price of some “good eats”.

3 goblins * 300xp = 900xp
1 minotaur * 1350xp = 1350xp
2 hobgoblins * 150xp = 300xp
4 Roleplaying bonuses * 50xp = 200xp (lance charge, trip w/ whip, Dargar impersonation, minotaur disarm)
Total XP = 2550xp monsters + 200xp RP.
Each PC receives = 510xp + 40xp = 550xp
Lactose receives = 255xp

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