Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Missing the magazines

I was a long time subscriber to the Dragon and Dungeon magazines from Wizards of the Coast and thought they were at their best when Paizo was publishing them.  The content was excellent as was the art.  Last night I was looking through one of my old issues and realized how I miss having those magazines in a physical form.  Don't get me wrong, there have been some good articles and adventures posted online on the DDI which I subscribe to but it's really not the same.  To use an analogy, the paper magazine issues were like albums - a whole collection of material.  Sure, each issue had its hits and misses but overall they combined to form a great product.  Downloading an article here or there is like downloading a single song and not getting the whole record.  I even miss the advertisements.  It's great to look at issues from years ago to see what was being sold at the time.  I miss getting those magazines in my mailbox each month.  I do get Kobold Quarterly which is well done and has a lot of the same feel but it's not up to the same production level at this time and with only four issues per year instead of twelve doesn't get me my fix as often.  I'd love it if WotC decided to restore the magazines to the prime material plane.

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