Monday, April 4, 2011

Planar Adventures

Back in the second edition days I became a big fan of the Planescape setting with it's unique concepts, great art and amazing style and layout.  Before then, I think I mostly thought of the planes as just a source for really tough monsters like devils and demons and elementals.  Afterwards, they became living, breathing parts of the D&D universe and really felt like locations for adventure.  Despite this and despite enjoying the various planar supplements for third edition and now 4E as well, I'm not sure if pressed for time that I'd choose to run a game based in the planes over a more traditional material world setting with dungeon crawls, wilderness exploration and urban intrigue.  Are the outer planes just too different to make for a game setting you can use full time because the DM has too much scenery to convey?  Or is it just a case of not having tried running a planar game that's kept me from using them?

1 comment:

  1. In general I find all the campaign settings and worlds in the D&D multi-verse intriguing in their own right. That's the real problem. If you're fortunate enough to play in a regular game session most of us won't really care what campaign world or setting you're in. If you're running a game then you'll probably settle on a more traditional, high-fantasy/medieval setting so a good portion of the creative work is done for you.
