Monday, December 5, 2011

Ninjas Pirates Dinosaurs

Today's review is a short one but it touches on something a lot of D&D gamers would probably agree on.  The paper Dragon and Dungeon magazines were excellent and shouldn't have been dropped.  The other day I grabbed Dragon #318 from April 2004 off the shelf and it's as good as it gets.  As the title of the blog entry suggests, this is an issue with articles on all three of these mostly disconnected items but the articles inside this issue were great.  It had 3.5 updates to Oriental Adventures.  It had stats for several new dinosaurs.  It had the first intro article on the warforged prior to the Eberron release.  It had an article on using historical Port Royal as a pirate base in a game.  One winning article after another.  I'm not saying that WotC couldn't offer the release of the magazines as a PDF each month, but a paper version of the issues would still be a great idea.  And if the quality was as good as the Paizo years of the magazine were, I'm certain that it would stand out as a great way to promote the game on store shelves.  Until then I'll pick up the odd old issue now and again and enjoy a glimse into one of the finer parts of gaming's past.

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