Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life as Game

So how often has life beeen used by you to make a game session or come up with a campaign concept?  Looking at recent news items such as the flooding in the US midwest, the royal wedding in England, the killing of Bin Laden, the tsunami in Japan, civil war in Libya, etc. in can be seen where such things could be used as inspiration for a roleplaying game.  I have to say, despite the richness of real life in terms of making story, I don't usually find myself using the news as a primary source of inspiration.  But shouldn't I?  Who out there uses news stories, recent or historical, for most of their game ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I would say it depends on the genre of the RPG you are running. Real life hardly ever effects decisions in my creation process for a fantasy game but if I wanted to run a present day Spec-Ops military campaign then probably a lot.
