Saturday, April 16, 2011

Vile Darkness

The Book of Vile Darkness is one of the more interesting third edition D&D books.  Targeted at a mature audience, it's goal is to introduce rules, villains and monsters that really bring the evil of your campaign's evil to the foreground.  Here is a book that talks about all of the nasty things the enemies of your PCs can and will do to the innocent.  Personally, I think it's a great addition to the DM's arsenal, especially if they are running a game with a particular emphasis on horror and horrific villains.  Yes, I would agree this is a book that isn't for children, it is one that delivers what it promises.  If you want to scare, disgust or gross out your PCs, this book has some ideas for you.

1 comment:

  1. Killer book! The first time I flipped through it I realized that WotC really hadn't pulled any punches. There was no mistaking that the beings contained within those pages were eeeevvviillle, haha. All were worthy to bring a goodly party of stalwarts to their knees.
