We already talked about F, friendly, before but I’d like to add to it. One aspect of a store being friendly is for it to be inviting – both physically and socially. I talked about some of physical things like being well lit. What I mean here by socially inviting is that the store, and its employees, act as if they want you to be there. This is done in several ways. For the employees – start with a uniform of some kind. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. A simple T-shirt design will suffice. The point is not to have me guess who of the people in the store actually works there. Hygiene is also very important. You’d think nobody would ever have to bring this up but I’ve been in stores where the help, or the help’s friends they are chatting with, need to learn about running water, soap and deodorant. I have to say I don’t care much about piercings and tattoos and all that, but being lively and attentive without being overbearing is critical. As for the store itself being socially inviting, I think the key here is advertisement, a good web site, promotions, email updates of store events and a willingness to go the extra mile for the customer.
When we look at the L, or local, part of the FLGS, satisfying folks gets to be a little more difficult. What’s local to me may not be local to you. That said the key in part is location, location, location. The best place for a game store to be local (read convenient) to the most customers is if they are at a shopping center that has good road access and ideally good access to public transportation. For drivers, it needs to have good, and ideally free, parking. The store should also be collocated with related establishments, to make it a convenient extra stop when making the rounds. So if the game store isn’t also a comic store for example, it would be near one. Similarly, it would be good if it was near some book stores and things like video game, toy, craft, stationary and big box stores. I don’t want to have to drive 30 minutes out of my way at $4 a gallon for gas. It goes without saying that another type of business that a game store needs to be near is dining, in particular pizza, takeout and fast food choices. Lastly, the most local a game store can be is with its virtual presence. It needs a good web site. In a perfect world, that site has message boards, calendars where you can schedule resources like rooms/tables in the store for events, it has a connection as a marketplace that lets me buy on line with the option to ship or to pick up my goods at the store.
G, Game, is arguably the most important part of the acronym because without the games, why would we go there to shop at all? The key for a great FLGS in this area is to have a lot of games to choose from, in all categories – card, board, classic, RPG, miniature, etc. There should be no shortage of choices in each category and the store needs to have all of the supplemental material that goes along with the games – for example dice for RPGs or paints and brushes for miniatures. A good FLGS has all of the new releases, and keeps customers apprised of what’s coming on what days. They will allow for pre-ordering of games that are coming soon, maybe going so far as to pull products for regular customers of favorite product lines like comic stores often do. The ideal game store stocks out of print and collectible products as well. Looking for that adventure module for the 1980s, a rare Magic card from three sets ago or a specific miniature? They’ve got you covered. While the employees of the store don’t need to play all of the different games, they should be basically knowledgeable about the products that the store carries and be able to answer questions or get back to customers if they don’t know. A good FLGS also has a sizeable and uncluttered game play area as well. Ideally this place space can be reserved for specific groups or events, it isn’t in the way of shopping, and allows for people to observe games in progress to learn about them without interfering with the players.
Finally we get to the last letter S for store. The store needs to be well stocked. They need to offer the products you want at the best prices they can manage. They need to reward frequent customers. They need to accept major credit cards. They need great store hours. They need good parking. They need to get new product in on the release date or as close to it as they can manage.