Friday, July 8, 2011

What will be the next big thing?

Roleplaying games are one of those hobbies that seems to be at a loss for the next big thing.  I'd say the last big thing was Open Game License in 2000.  Since that time there have been a lot of different games that have come out and products for existing games but nothing about them has really been revolutionary.  So if I had to guess as to what the next big change will be, I'm going to guess it will have to do with the virtual tabletops.  If WotC gets their act together and has their VTT hit main stream for 4E (and possibly older E) gaming in a way that takes advantage of all of the various modern devices and connection approaches I think it could really get the games going again and we'll see a wealth of new products hit the streets that really finally start to give that at the table experience in a virtual environment.